Friday, January 22, 2016

Let It Snow!

Happy snow days, especially to you seniors!  We missed an opportunity to work in the computer lab Wednesday, so in an effort to catch up and give many of you time to finish and post your blogs, we have the laptops today, and of course, we have the desktops in the room, too.  Only fifteen blogs are linked to our blog roll so far, so if you do not see yours listed on our main page, be sure to leave your url in the comment box on my very first blog post on the main page.  Your blogs and your writer's notebooks are both due today!

For our writing focus for the next couple of weeks, we'll be looking at objects that inspire us, which include those images you cut out for some of your writer's notebook pages.  We'll share personal objects in our "What's Your Story, Morning Glory?" presentation assignment on Tuesday, January 26th.   Don't forget to bring five or six objects of your own which reflect who you are or where you're coming from.  We'll get to know each other better through this assignment.  We will also look at some interesting web sites featuring significant objects and the writing they inspire.  The Victoria and Albert Museum also has inspiring exhibits. 

Keep writing!  Keep reading!  Keep blogging!

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