Wednesday, March 23, 2016

What Would You Do? : A Cultural Exchange

As we watch the episodes of What Would You Do? how might you respond to your Chinese student correspondent?  In writing any kind of opinion, it is important to avoid sweeping generalizations with words like always, never, everyone, no one, and other all inclusive descriptors.

For example, you may have noticed in the gay adoption episode several people spoke up to the nosy actress who was harassing the young pregnant actress about her adoption choices.  As you explain what you viewed, you can also offer whether you think it's likely this would actually happen in real life.  Is this an issue Americans disagree about or that someone would really go to this length to air a personal opinion?  You might ask if the scenario might happen in China.

In the episode about the Muslim woman needing help, you might also explain the scenario and whether or not you think it could happen in our part of the country.  Is this an issue in China?

The final episode we may not have time to view together is "Child Predator Targets Young Girl He Meets Online."  As you comment on this episode and explain what you see, you may also include how likely this is to happen in America or in our part of the country.

This should be an interesting exchange, and you do not have to give your personal opinion necessarily.  You should explain the situation and how you view the authenticity of the scenario.  You might also ask how this would play out in China.

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