Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Creative Exchange with Qingdao University

Our creative writing class has been invited to exchange writing with a writing class in China at Qingdao University.  It is a great opportunity to expand our audience as well as learn about another culture through our significant object responses we are sending via email Thursday, March 3rd.

The class we'll be exchanging with is a freshman class taught by an MSU exchange teacher, Kevin James. No, he's not the comedian; he's my son.  He has written a letter to you explaining some of the cultural differences as well as some guidelines to follow.  He and his students are grateful for this opportunity, and as he explains in his letter, this is a very challenging exercise for his students. Please read the letter and share any questions or comments you may have either in the comment box here or aloud in class.

Because your writing will serve as a model for Chinese students to follow, we will conference, revise and polish your significant object pieces on Tuesday, March 1st in preparation of sending your work via email to China.  By Thursday, your introductory letter will be finalized to send along with your significant object writing.

Xie xie!

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