Monday, April 25, 2016

Starry Night, painting and poetry

The Starry Night - van Gogh Vincent The starry night paintings have dried, and Wednesday we will mount them to construction paper along with the tankas composed in response to Van Gogh, his life, the painting, loneliness, insanity...anything in response to the study.

As we wrap things up this week, be sure you have posted two to three (or more) of your favorite photos (with captions) on your blog. Yes, we  created poster displays of our photo hunt to share in class, but it would be nice to have a digital record of your favorites as well.  After all, the whole idea of "what an artist sees" is highlighted in the photo hunt as well as our Van Gogh project.

Sadly, we have little time left with our seniors, so the class size will dwindle in half, and we will miss the personalities that filled this room.  We will take time Wednesday to gallery walk some of our work, the photo hunt and Starry Night.  Friday we will be doing a similar "gallery walk" on our blogs!

For those of you who haven't kept up with your blog posts, read back through this main page, and you'll find directions to all assignments.  Linked here is a check list (you got one of these in class) of your assigned blog posts and a space to evaluate your progress.  Good luck!

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