Please polish and post the paint chip inspired pieces (alliteration!) you came up with in your journal during class. You may group them all in one post or do a separate post for each one. Include an image for each piece. Let me show you how to do this if you don't know--it's easy and important to add visual interest to your work.
You should have (in any order you choose):
- 3 haikus
- an acrostic using a paint color name
- an 8+ line free verse poem that uses the 4 paint color names
- an 8+ line narrative poem using the paint name as a title or in a line

Monday's class will devoted to full writing workshop. Knowing how hard it is to think or write when there are distractions - talking - we are going to have a silent workshop. This ought to help all of us complete the writing pieces inspired by color, post that writing to your blog, read and comment to others, work on the writer's notebook, or read independently, so no comfy chair or carpet area where it's tempting to talk and text. Let's see how it goes! Happy blogging!
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