Monday, January 4, 2016

I Am..Ms. James

Me on the left and my older sister Margie and Freckles, our dog.
I am from Hoola Hoops and Hop Scotch,
     from chlorine and zinc oxide.
I am from bare feet that danced in puddles
     of summer rain, sizzling steam off
     scorched sidewalks.

I am from Barbie dolls and tea parties,
     from ten cent ice cream cones and long
     walks with Freckles.
I am from "Put your napkin in your lap"
     and "Get your elbows off the table."
I am from "Straighten up and fly right" and
    "Don’t come down until your homework’s            done."

I’m from rides to the Village on my bicycle,
      flute lessons and swimming meets.
I am from the hum of Mother’s sewing machine
       and matching Easter dresses.

I am from Jack and Harriett and Margie,
      from memories of voices I can still hear
      inside my head.
I am from Good Night, Sleep Tight
      and Don’t get out of bed!
But that was then.

I hardly remember those years when I was from
      the crack of the bat, the roar of the crowd, the smell of beer and hot dogs,
      traveling gypsies,
      coping with luck, good and bad
      of finding friends and leaving them behind,
      of years zipping by too fast.
 And later I came from the chaos of breakfast for three
My son-in-law Levi, my son Kevin, daughter Sara, Hailey, Porter
      on the way out the door,
      homework in boxes,
      ball games, music lessons, school parties,
      heartbreaks of skinned knees and broken         friendships,
      the joy of reading together and finding           adventure.
I am from leaving a past for a future            unknown.
       I am from no regrets, tough lessons 
       and gratitude for second chances,
       I am from the quiet of morning,
       eyes opening before an alarm,
       coffee bubbling, dripping, wafting from          the kitchen,
       the tap of computer keys,
       a time to write in peaceful silence.

I am from the warmth and comfort of family,
       deep friendships, a family tree with new branches, and
       trust and faith that all is well and
       I am enough                  
       and I have all I need.